Best Engg. College, Pune
Electrical Engineering Department-About Department

Electrical Engineering

About Department

The department of Electrical engineering has taken development as a continuous process and assured this through its mission. Electrical engineering department was established in academic year 2009-2010.The department has an intake capacity of 60 students for undergraduate course. Electrical engineering is one of the core branches of engineering and henceforth important too. The electrical engineering department has qualified and expert faculties that enhances the knowledge of students. A team of faculty members are continuously engaged in improving teaching methods by undertaking faculty development programs. Department is having well equipped laborites like High voltage, PLC & SCADA, Electrical Machines, Analog & Digital Electronics, Power systems, Microprocessor µcontroller, Control system, Laboratories along with various software tools like MATLAB. Dr. J.V. Satre is working as Head of the department. She is having 25 years of teaching experience. To fulfill the gap between Industry and Academics, Department regularly organizes guest lectures, expert lectures, workshops, seminars, value added programs, industrial visits. The department has a student’s association named Trinity’s Electrical Student’s Liberal Association (TESLA). This organization conducts many events to motivate students.

To develop knowledgeable skilled, Creative and socially responsible electrical engineers

We, at department of Electrical Engineering, are committed to achieve our vision by,

M-1 Facilitating rigorous academics with Problem Based Learning Practices

M-2 To inculcate quality consciousness ethically with safety and environmental awareness

M-3To work in diverse conditions by setting up strategic alliance with Industries

M-4Transforming students into socially cognizant professionals and entrepreneurs


Type No. of Rooms
Lecture Halls
Library and Meeting Hall Department Library consists of: 1. Books 2. Project Report 3. Seminar Report
Laboratories 1. PLC and SCADA Lab 2. Analog and Digital Electronics Lab 3. Control system Lab 4. Electrical machines Lab 5. Power System Lab
6. Material Science lab 7. Microprocessor and Microcontroller lab 8. Project Lab 9. Computer lab
H.O.D. Room
H.O.D. Office

Dr. J. V. Satre
Head of Department
Electrical Engineering

Best Engg. College, Pune